Just because we haven’t posted any video clips to the blog in eons doesn’t mean we haven’t been shooting plenty of video. Indeed, part of the problem is that we’ve shot so much that I just haven’t made the time to go through and process it all. It’s pretty time consuming. Also, toward the end of last year I had very little space left on my primary hard drive, so I hadn’t pulled any video footage off the camera for several months, and I knew it was going to be an immense chore when I finally got around to it. Fortunately, Janet gave me a nice big 2 terabyte drive for Christmas, so now I finally have someplace to get all of that footage backed up.
Anyway, a couple months ago I did manage to put together these three clips from last year, and I figure it’s finally time to share them here. Now I just need to get to work on the rest of the backlog! I’m sure I’ll uncover a few more gems in the process. First up is a video from August last year showing how cute the girls can be just sitting there eating Cheerios!
The second clip is from early October last year, and it shows the girls playing together and entertaining themselves with some pots and pans in the kitchen. Sometimes they get a little grabby and try to steal whatever their sister is holding, and that inevitably leads to some fussing, or even crying — but what you see here is actually pretty typical of them. Most of the time they play very nicely together! In fact, more recently we’ve seen lots of instances where one of them will offer a toy in trade for whatever their sister is holding (such trades are usually accepted), and other instances where one girl will pick up two toys and then run to share one of them with her sister. It’s pretty cute!
And finally, here’s a priceless little clip we got when we took the girls to Joan’s Pumpkin Patch last October. Their cute little giggles make me smile every time I see this, and I’ve watched it countless times already.
Obviously, I really need to get serious about cranking through the rest of the backlog of videos, so I can post the best clips — and maybe even post something current! Yeah, there’s a thought.
I am in the same boat – tons of video, full hard drive, nothing posted. I need to get going…