February 2025



A week or two ago I was at home with the girls after school, and they got involved working on a craft together at our dining table while I zoned out playing a video game for a while. I didn’t know exactly what they were doing, but they had paper, scissors, crayons and markers, and […]

Mommy Things I Wish I Had Known Earlier

Scissors are NOT suitable for left and right-handed use.

Somewhere between two and three, it became obvious that one of our daughters is right-handed, while the other is left-handed. When it came time for their first pair of scissors, I remember specifically looking for ones indicating they were for lefties. But all the ones […]

Little Readers

The girls are nearing completion of kindergarten — their first year of formal education. When the school year started, they knew their letters and the sound each letter makes. They were just barely beginning to put those sounds together to sound out a few three letter words. In school, they began by learning “sight words” […]

Return to Kanarraville Falls

When we visited southern Utah last year with my parents, Janet and I had the opportunity to take the girls on an incredible creek-walk hike through the Kanarraville Falls slot canyon. The only reason I knew the place existed was because we were hunting a geocache, of course. Unfortunately, at that time the cache was […]

A Pumpkin Patch Retrospective

Every year about this time, we’ve taken the girls to Joan’s Farm and Pumpkin Patch here in Livermore. They were only about 6 months old for their first visit, and Janet had to help them stay propped up against a few pumpkins. For the next couple years, the challenge in getting a good picture of […]