February 2025


Lessons from Dad

My Dad died suddenly and unexpectedly on September 19. When I heard the news it knocked the breath out of me.  It was a terrible shock that I couldn’t process at all for several moments. How could it be true of my dad who was supposed to live forever – or at least until 90 […]

A Lesson on Sovereignty

In November 2008, Dan and I learned we were expecting twins. Once we got past the shock (and I was very shocked!), we were really excited. All things considered, the pregnancy went quite smoothly. It’s truly amazing how a little life can grow inside you. But it’s an amazing amount of work too, and can […]


A week or two ago I was at home with the girls after school, and they got involved working on a craft together at our dining table while I zoned out playing a video game for a while. I didn’t know exactly what they were doing, but they had paper, scissors, crayons and markers, and […]

Return to Kanarraville Falls

When we visited southern Utah last year with my parents, Janet and I had the opportunity to take the girls on an incredible creek-walk hike through the Kanarraville Falls slot canyon. The only reason I knew the place existed was because we were hunting a geocache, of course. Unfortunately, at that time the cache was […]

Adventures of the Twin Princesses

We read to the girls quite a bit, I guess. We recently graduated up to some simple chapter books, like The Boxcar Children, and they’re enjoying those. A couple months ago we were at the library, and on a whim I decided to grab a couple of those Choose Your Own Adventure books that I […]