February 2025


A Lesson on Sovereignty

In November 2008, Dan and I learned we were expecting twins. Once we got past the shock (and I was very shocked!), we were really excited. All things considered, the pregnancy went quite smoothly. It’s truly amazing how a little life can grow inside you. But it’s an amazing amount of work too, and can […]

A Pumpkin Patch Retrospective

Every year about this time, we’ve taken the girls to Joan’s Farm and Pumpkin Patch here in Livermore. They were only about 6 months old for their first visit, and Janet had to help them stay propped up against a few pumpkins. For the next couple years, the challenge in getting a good picture of […]

WHAT?! Now it’s MAY already?

Clearly, regularly updating the blog with fresh posts has not been one of our highest priorities lately. And as they say, time flies! It’s too bad that we haven’t been keeping up with more regular updates about the girls because as I’m sure you can imagine, as they’re approaching their 3rd birthday, it seems like […]

It’s December already?

Time flies! It has already been a month since the last post, so I suppose it’s time for another update with more pictures of our sweet little girls. Their language skills continue to improve by leaps and bounds. It’s been abundantly clear for a while now that they’re no longer simply parroting back phrases that […]


The girls just love to go play at the park. When I ask if they want to go for a walk in the stroller, they’re almost certain to ask “Park?” And after walking several blocks, when we finally round the last corner and the park comes into view down the street, they both exclaim excitedly […]