By Dan, on March 22nd, 2018 When I was first introduced to Roleplaying Games as a kid in the early 80s (in the form of Dungeons & Dragons), it fired my imagination like nothing else. I loved it! The only problem was that most of my friends weren’t that into it, so I only got to really play a few times. […]
By Dan, on January 21st, 2017 Somehow we neglected to make any posts here during 2016! In lieu of the many thousands of words it would take to describe it all, here are a few of my favorite pictures.
Geocaching hike in Morgan Territory
Big Trees!
Hiking in Las Trampas
By Dan, on May 18th, 2015 A week or two ago I was at home with the girls after school, and they got involved working on a craft together at our dining table while I zoned out playing a video game for a while. I didn’t know exactly what they were doing, but they had paper, scissors, crayons and markers, and […]
By Dan, on April 11th, 2015 When we visited southern Utah last year with my parents, Janet and I had the opportunity to take the girls on an incredible creek-walk hike through the Kanarraville Falls slot canyon. The only reason I knew the place existed was because we were hunting a geocache, of course. Unfortunately, at that time the cache was […]
By Dan, on February 20th, 2014 We read to the girls quite a bit, I guess. We recently graduated up to some simple chapter books, like The Boxcar Children, and they’re enjoying those. A couple months ago we were at the library, and on a whim I decided to grab a couple of those Choose Your Own Adventure books that I […]
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