February 2025


Zak & Wheezie (subtitle: What was I thinking!)

When fall rolled around I started thinking about Halloween costumes for the girls.

At the Pumpkin Patch

Hmmm… what to do? More and more we’re seeing them engage in imaginative/pretend play. One of the things they pretend is that they are Zak & Wheezie. Who are Zak & Wheezie? Well, they are conjoined […]

Remembering Rebecca

I met Rebecca in January 1981. I was nine years old, in fourth grade. My family had relocated again. This time we had moved to California over the Christmas break. New town. New state. New school. No friends. My new teacher, Mrs. Jarvis, assigned Rebecca to show me around. It was the beginning of a […]

Love & Marriage

As of today we’ve been married 18 wonderful years, and we feel just as blessed and thankful now as we did then (if not more so). Here are a couple of our favorite pictures from the wedding… But first, for those interested, you can also read the story of how Janet and I first met.


Turning FOUR is fun galore!

We had a very busy weekend! Busy with celebrations, that is. Sunday was Mother’s Day, of course, but it was also Carolyn and Elizabeth’s birthday, and we also celebrated Janet’s birthday at the same time (although it’s technically not until next weekend) because we already had the whole family together and my parents were about […]

Easter Joy

One of the nice things about living close to family is that it’s a relatively simple thing for us to get together and celebrate occasions like Easter. So our family and my sister’s family gathered over at my parents’ house for a meal and some easter egg hunting fun. They sure did look cute in […]