February 2025


Lessons from Dad

My Dad died suddenly and unexpectedly on September 19. When I heard the news it knocked the breath out of me.  It was a terrible shock that I couldn’t process at all for several moments. How could it be true of my dad who was supposed to live forever – or at least until 90 […]

A Lesson on Sovereignty

In November 2008, Dan and I learned we were expecting twins. Once we got past the shock (and I was very shocked!), we were really excited. All things considered, the pregnancy went quite smoothly. It’s truly amazing how a little life can grow inside you. But it’s an amazing amount of work too, and can […]

Mommy Things I Wish I Had Known Earlier

Scissors are NOT suitable for left and right-handed use.

Somewhere between two and three, it became obvious that one of our daughters is right-handed, while the other is left-handed. When it came time for their first pair of scissors, I remember specifically looking for ones indicating they were for lefties. But all the ones […]

Remembering Rebecca

I met Rebecca in January 1981. I was nine years old, in fourth grade. My family had relocated again. This time we had moved to California over the Christmas break. New town. New state. New school. No friends. My new teacher, Mrs. Jarvis, assigned Rebecca to show me around. It was the beginning of a […]

Love & Marriage

As of today we’ve been married 18 wonderful years, and we feel just as blessed and thankful now as we did then (if not more so). Here are a couple of our favorite pictures from the wedding… But first, for those interested, you can also read the story of how Janet and I first met.
