February 2025


Ahhh, bureaucracy…

I just had to fill out a new W-4 tax form, and I thought this little note at the bottom was rather amusing.



If you have to print your Paperwork Reduction Act Notice on a separate piece of paper, how is that really helping?


Why I’ll avoid Samsung in the future…

When you spend over $800 on a nice new flatscreen TV, you kinda expect it to last more than a couple years, right? There’s really no excuse for a pricy piece of equipment from a big name brand to fail so soon after purchase, but that’s exactly what has happened to a huge number of […]


I’ve owned some stock in a certain video game company for several years now. It does have some potential to really take off, I think, but for the last few years it hasn’t been doing much and so I’ve just been holding onto it. Then just recently, out of the blue, I got a phone […]

Ice Cream Catastrophe

A horrible tragedy occurred in our household last night.

Yet the evening started out so well — Janet cooked the best homemade pizza I’ve ever tasted, we took the girls out for a nice walk around the neighborhood in the stroller before putting them to bed, and then we watched some TV. Around 7:15 PM, […]


I’ve been eagerly looking for a good opportunity to take Janet to go see Avatar ever since the film opened a month ago. It’s a little tricky to manage since Janet works during the day, and I’m either working or otherwise busy several nights a week, and we have these two darling little girls that […]