By Janet, on November 7th, 2011 It hasn’t been all that long since I first observed the girls in pretend play. My first recollection is from our family vacation in June. On the drive home I was passing Cheerios to the girls in the backseat. It was snack time anyway, and by passing the Cheerios back one at a time I […]
By Janet, on October 25th, 2011 We had a very busy day on Saturday. The girls LOVE to be helpers and there were many opportunities for them…
First, they swept the patio.
Working together makes it go quicker!
Then they helped with the raking.
Maybe I’ll have […]
By Dan, on October 21st, 2011 I know, I know… This may be the most boring blog title in all of history. But I’m just not feeling very inspired to write much, and all I really want to do is share some recent pictures of our darling little girls. Enjoy!
Elizabeth's playful grin
Look out, she's got […]
By Janet, on September 10th, 2011 At breakfast time recently, I held hands with the girls so we could pray. At the end they said “amen” with me. Then they said “pray, pray, pray.” I asked if they wanted to pray and told them they could say “thank you God.” This is not an uncommon exchange and it usually ends either […]
By Janet, on August 14th, 2011 The girls are at that amazing age where they WANT to help. So often they’ll come to me arm stretched out towards me and say “Help? Help?” I’m trying to encourage that behavior! If I’ve been to the grocery store, I’ll let them put the groceries in the fridge (which means everything is on the […]
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